Security Reference for Financials (2024)

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Generate Automatic Receipt Write-offs

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Generate Customer Statements

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Manage Receivables Balances Activities

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Manage Receivables Late Charge Batch

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Review Customer Account Activities

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Account Status Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Billing History Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Billing and Receipt History Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Deposited Cash Report - Applied Detail

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Deposited Cash Report - Open Details

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Disputed Invoices Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Late Charges Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Past Due Invoice Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Receipt Analysis - Days Late

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Receipt Forecast Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Receipt Write-off Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Receivables Aging Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Reversed Receipts Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Sales Journal By Customer

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Transaction Detail Report

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Run Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register

Accounts Receivable Monitoring

Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.

Submit Automatic Billing Adjustments

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities, processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

Import Payables Invoice

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities, processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities, processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

Manage Orchestration Order Billing Interface Web Service

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities, processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

Manage Orchestration Order Modification

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities, processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

Process Fulfillment Response

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities, processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

View Payables Invoice

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Approve Receivables Adjustment

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Cancel Collaboration Message

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Confirm Receivables Balance Forward Bill

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Create External Partner

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Create Receivables Credit Memo

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Create Receivables Invoice

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Create Receivables Transaction

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Delete Receivables Transaction

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Dispute Receivables Transaction

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Generate XML Invoices

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage B2B Trading Partners

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Billing Activities

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Collaboration Document Data Access for Users

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Collaboration Messages

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Collaboration Messaging History

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Failed Collaboration Messages

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Receivables Adjustment

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Receivables AutoInvoice Line

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Receivables Credit Memo

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Receivables Invoice

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Receivables Revenue Adjustment

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Receivables Transactions

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Recurring Bill Plans

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Revenue Activities

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Process Expired Credit Authorizations

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Process Receivables Transactional Events

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Refresh Receivables Transactional Events

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Reprocess Collaboration Message

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Review Credit Request

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Adjustments Register

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Billing History Report

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Disputed Invoices Report

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Revenue Recognition

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Transaction Check Register

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Transaction Detail Report

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Run Transaction Register

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Submit AutoInvoice Import Process

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Submit AutoInvoice Purge Process

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Submit Balance Forward Bill Print Process

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Submit Balance Forward Bill Process

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Submit Print Adjustments Process

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

Submit Transaction Print Process

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

View Collaboration Message

Billing Management

Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue accounting, credit checking, and credit management.

View Collaboration Message Payload

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Create Receivables Bills Receivable

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Create Receivables Bills Receivable Batch

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Create Receivables Bills Receivable Remittance Batch

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Manage Receivables Bills Receivable

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Manage Receivables Bills Receivable Remittance Batch

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Mature and Eliminate Risk on Receivables Bills Receivable

Bills Receivable Management

Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from hold, recall, and printing.

Print Receivables Bills Receivable

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Relationships

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Site

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Information

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationship

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Location of Final Discharge

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Customer Account Contact

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Customer Account Site Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Correct Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Customer

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Location of Final Discharge

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Party Fiscal Classification

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Third-Party Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Customer Account

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Customer Account Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Customer Account Contact

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Import Party Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Customers

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Tax Fiscal Classification Import and Export Services

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export Services

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Trading Community Original System

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Trading Community Source System Lookups

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Move Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Contact

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Site Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Contact

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Site Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Customer Account Relationships

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Additional Name

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Address

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Classification

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Contact Point

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Select Customer Account Contact Responsibility as Primary

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Select Customer Account Contact as Primary

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account Contact

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account Site Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Location of Final Discharge

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Party Fiscal Classification

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Third-Party Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Contact

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Site

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customers

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Location of Final Discharge

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Additional Name

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Address

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Address Use

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Contact Points

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Relationship

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Source System Mapping

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Bank and Bank Branch

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Payer Payment Details

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Card

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Payment Card

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Create Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Create Receivables Receipt

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Create Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Create Receivables Refund

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Delete Receivables Receipt

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Import Receivables Receipt Batch

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Import Receivables Receipt Remittances

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Import Receivables Receipt through Lockbox

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables Adjustment

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables Balances Activities

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables On Account Credit Memo Applications

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables Receipt

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables Receipt Batch

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Manage Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Actual Receipts Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Automatic Receipts Awaiting Confirmation Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Bank Risk Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Past Due Invoice Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Receipt Analysis - Days Late

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Receipts Awaiting Bank Clearance Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Receipts Awaiting Remittance Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Reversal Status Report

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Run Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit AutoMatch Process

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit Automatic Clearing for Receipts Process

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit Automatic Receipt Reversal Process

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit Prepayment Matching Process

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit Receivables Automatic Receipt Creation Process

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch Process

Payment Management

Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments, deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of miscellaneous receipts.

Submit Receivables Specialist Assignment Batch Process

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Cancel Funds Capture Authorization

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Copy Funds Capture Transaction Extension

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Create Funds Capture Authorization

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Create Funds Capture Return

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Create Funds Capture Settlement

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Create Settlement Batch

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Delete Funds Capture Transaction Extension

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Ignore Settlement Batch Transmission Error

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Manage Funds Capture Process

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Manage Funds Capture Transaction

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Manage Settlement Batch

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Perform All Funds Capture Actions

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Process Funds Capture Transaction

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Retrieve Funds Capture Acknowledgement

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Set Funds Capture Transaction Extension Details

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Submit Offline Transactions

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Submit Receipt of Payment Notifications

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Submit Settlement Batch Accompanying Letter

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

Test Funds Capture Transaction

Payment Settlement Management

Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement batches.

View Funds Capture Transaction

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Dispute Receivables Transaction

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Export Customer Account

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Manage Billing Activities

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Manage Receivables Balances Activities

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Preview Receivables Invoice

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Process Receivables Transactional Events

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Refresh Receivables Transactional Events

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Review Customer Account Activities

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Run Receivables Aging Report

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Search Customer Account Site

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

Search Trading Community Organization

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Customer Account

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Customer Account Information

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Customer Account Site

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Customer Account Site Use

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Receivables Bills Receivable

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Receivables Credit Memo

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Receivables Invoice

Receivables Inquiry

Manages the review of customer account activities where updating is not appropriate.

View Receivables Receipt

Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.

Create Subledger Journal Entry Online

Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.

Post Journal

Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.

Review Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.

Run Import Journals By Program Call

Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.

Transfer Online Journal Entry to General Ledger

Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.

Update Subledger Accounting Balance

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Security Reference for Financials (2024)
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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 6323

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.