Accounts Receivable Skills & Qualifications | Hays (2024)

Accounts Receivable Skills & Qualifications | Hays (1)

What skills do Accounts Receivable jobs need?

In order to be successful in an Accounts Receivable job, you will need to have strong skills in:

  • Microsoft Office Suite, specifically Excel
  • Accounts Receivable procedures
  • Basic bookkeeping, credit and accounting principles
  • Cash applications
  • Customer service
  • Organisational skills
  • Effective communication

In addition to the skills required, many employers also look for candidates with previous experience in a similar Accounts Receivable role is also beneficial.

What qualifications do Accounts Receivable jobs need?

Most employers will accept candidates who have relevant experience in the role.

Strong skills in the Microsoft Office suite and Accounts Receivable procedures are essential, including basic bookkeeping and accounting knowledge. You must also be able to effectively communicate with customers and colleagues and be well-organised and efficient.

Qualifications required for an Accounts Receivable job also depend on the type of role you are applying for. For example, a Senior Credit Control Supervisor or Manager may require more qualifications or experience than an entry-level Accounts Receivable Officer.

Do you need to study or go to university to be an Accounts Receivable Officer?

No, you don't need to study or go to university to be an Accounts Receivable Officer. However, if you want to work in this field, having a degree in business administration, accounting, or a related field would give you the best chance of getting a job. Alternatively, if you have relevant experience in an Accounts Receivable role, this will also be beneficial.

Do you need a degree to work in an Accounts Receivable role?

Some organisations hiring for Accounts Receivable jobs will specify in the advertised position description that a degree is required. However, not all jobs require candidates to have a degree, and are willing to train someone with no experience.

A good way to find out if the company you are applying to needs a degree is by looking at their advertised Accounts Receivable job description. If they state that they only accept applicants with degrees, it’s more than likely you will need one to secure this role.

How do you become an Accounts Receivable Officer?

To become an Accounts Receivable Officer, you need to be confident performing typical Accounts Receivable duties in the role. The duties of an Accounts Receivable Officer can vary depending on the size of the company and specific role and responsbilities within the Accounts Receivable department.

However, some of the main responsibilities outlined in an Accounts Receivable job description include:

  • Reviewing customer invoices and ensuring they are accurate and complete
  • Investigating and resolving payment discrepancies
  • Contacting customers to request payment of outstanding invoices
  • Updating customer accounts and records
  • Verifying and posting receipts
  • Working with a billing system generating invoices

In order to be successful in this role, you may also need to have strong skills in Microsoft Office, particularly Excel. You will also need to have a good understanding of Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable procedures and basic bookkeeping and accounting principles. Previous experience in an Accounts Receivable role is often beneficial but not essential.

If you’re looking to upskill on some of the skills necessary to work in an Accounts Receivable role, you can sign up to Hays Learning. Hays Learning provides free online courses on a range of skill sets, including free Microsoft Office and Excel courses relevant for Accounts Receivable roles.

Can you become an Accounts Receivable Officer with no experience?

It is possible to become an Accounts Receivable Officer with no prior experience. However, if you’re looking to get into Accounts Receivable, you will need to demonstrate an apetitite for learning and upskilling as well as some relevant experience gained through part-time work or volunteering for example.

Having a relevant degree will give you the best chance of finding employment as an Accounts Receivable Officer. Training may also be available on the job, meaning that candidates who do not have previous experience could still be considered by companies willing to invest in training and upskilling new employees.

Learn more about Accounts Receivable jobs in Australia or start your search now for availableAccounts Receivable jobs with Hays.

Accounts Receivable Skills & Qualifications | Hays (2024)


Accounts Receivable Skills & Qualifications | Hays? ›

Familiarity with accounts receivable software, proficiency in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, and the ability to adapt to new financial technologies are essential. These skills enable professionals to streamline processes, enhance data analysis, and ensure efficient management of receivables.

What are the most important skills and qualities required to work in accounts receivables? ›

Familiarity with accounts receivable software, proficiency in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, and the ability to adapt to new financial technologies are essential. These skills enable professionals to streamline processes, enhance data analysis, and ensure efficient management of receivables.

What are the qualifications for accounts receivable? ›

Required skills and qualifications
  • Strong mathematical skills.
  • Understanding of basic principles of finance, accounting, and bookkeeping.
  • Superb time management and detail orientation.
  • Proficiency with Google Drive.
  • Ability to keep company and partner confidences.

What are accounts receivable questions and answers? ›

Can you explain the difference between Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable? Answer: Accounts Receivable (AR) represents money owed to the company by customers for goods or services. Accounts Payable (AP) represents the company's obligations to pay suppliers or vendors for goods or services received.

How do you explain accounts receivable in an interview? ›

Sample answer:

“Accounts receivable involves issuing invoices, tracking payments, and ensuring timely collection. It's about maintaining accurate records and ensuring cash flow.”

What are the 7 tips to improve your accounts receivable collection? ›

11 Tips to Improve Your Accounts Receivable Collection
  1. Automate and Consolidate Receivables. ...
  2. Simplify Invoice Payments for Clients. ...
  3. Receive Payments Fast Through an Early Payment Discount. ...
  4. Consider Accepting Credit Payments. ...
  5. Follow-Up Fast on Past-Due Receivables. ...
  6. Implement a Deposit Amount & Late Payment Penalty.

What qualifies as accounts receivable experience? ›

Accounts Receivable job qualifications and requirements

Experience in accounting is required for an Accounts Receivable role, but a Bachelor's degree isn't a necessity. However, a degree in the following will allow a candidate to develop their career in accounting further: Accounting. Finance or Economics.

What are the three basic functions of accounts receivable? ›

The accounts receivable (AR) team is responsible for all cash inflows. They manage invoicing, payment collections, cash application, deductions, and credit risk. The accounts receivable team is critical to ensure that your sales revenue translates into cash in your bank account.

What qualifications are needed for an accounts receivable clerk? ›

Finally, skills required as an accounts receivable clerk include the ability to use spreadsheets and bookkeeping software, basic math skills, attention to detail, ability to work independently, effective communication and customer relations skills.

What are 2 examples of accounts receivable? ›

Accounts Receivable Examples

Customer paying at a retail store with a credit card. Electricity provider delivers electricity for the month but gets paid at the start of the following month. Landlord allows Company A to pay $3,000 in office rent at the end of each month.

What are the basics of accounts receivable? ›

Accounts receivable (AR) is the balance of money due to a firm for goods or services delivered or used but not yet paid for by customers. Accounts receivable is listed on the balance sheet as a current asset.

What is a good accounts receivable? ›

A good accounts receivable turnover ratio is 7.8. This means that, on average, a company will collect its accounts receivable 7.8 times per year. A higher number is better, since it means the company is collecting its receivables more quickly.

Which skills do accounts receivable roles require? ›

In order to be successful in an Accounts Receivable job, you will need to have strong skills in:
  • Microsoft Office Suite, specifically Excel.
  • Accounts Receivable procedures.
  • Basic bookkeeping, credit and accounting principles.
  • Cash applications.
  • Customer service.
  • Organisational skills.
  • Effective communication.

What is accounts receivable in your own words? ›

Accounts receivable refer to the money a company's customers owe for goods or services they have received but not yet paid for. For example, when customers purchase products on credit, the amount owed gets added to the accounts receivable. It's an obligation created through a business transaction.

Why should we hire you? ›

A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

What are the 4 functions of accounts receivable? ›

Here's a broad overview of how the accounts receivable process works:
  • Determining Credit Terms. Before onboarding a new customer, the company must evaluate a new customer's risk profile. ...
  • Detailing Invoice Information. ...
  • Dispatching Invoices. ...
  • Tracking Invoices.

What are the requirements for accounts receivable? ›

First, the minimum requirement to become an accounts receivable clerk is a high school diploma or its equivalent. Most employers prefer that you have a degree in accounting, mathematics, bookkeeping or other fields related to your duties.

What is important in accounts receivable? ›

Accounts receivables are vital because they determine the liquidity of a business and cash flow for managing working capital needs. Accounts receivables are recorded on the asset side of the balance sheet under current assets. Accounts receivables are different from accounts payable.

Which two things are required for an accounts receivable? ›

In order to have an accounts receivable, you need two things: a sale and a purchase.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.