The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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ENGINEERS SEE OBITUARY was of 25 Denton MISS SALLY LEEDS MRS CHARLES MUX SELL Drake 4 the MRS DO L'GLtS SWAN MRS KENNETH PACK CRIPPLED CHILDREN TO BE ENTERTAINED of the oiganization Jiiskalian Subcommittee on Location means official of the AVORS INE POINT STATION A value iday e' Burial Byron Holy amily be in St Mi street was in the time for tiling he than not will' hat house invited Of advertising and the advertiser result of two household ac a loca 5500000 Richard William And Cor ot New York is na Airs Lothrop is chairman of the EXHIBITIONS PHOTOELECTRICS teacher of 143 Russell Sheffield a raq ue: Mrs Wo ivth to thank our relatives rnnn esimciaiiy tne HrtcktayeiV Jff'll' 9 the grave The biarere Connell Richard Rowe rank laming ACHIEVEMENT STEAK ROAST LEADER NAMED member of the street 3 Sumner ter Miss rances Resnik social 8 that many good peo narrowing their con so that he fits into what they think God It seems almost im away from ie habit Williams were appointed chairman anil eoehairman' respectively of the committee for the annual Ach wvement exhibit to be held at the Auditorium Ju'ne 12 and 13 President Shattuck was asked to ap point budget committee to prepare the budget for the coming yeaf and to meet in conference with the budget committee of the Community Chest Mrs Daniel enton chairman of the dressmaking contest committee re ported that the classifications had been prepared for the contest tnese includ the Spring foundation HoteJ Klin Scott Adams meadow vue avenue: Hotel Kimball Atwater Toad a member of the Chestnut street tea which will bo held Sunday after noon from 4 to 6 with a speaker at 5 at the clubrooms Invitations have been sent to neighboring Business and Professional clubs and each member of the local club is privileged to bring geests The committee in charge of arrtrnge of the National Business Wom an's week observance' in this ci is heaiied by Mr Neal She is mg assisted by Miss Genevieve Hamdfon Miso Joanna Morrissey Miss Boris Clcmence Miss lorence Leonard and Miss Katherine Carney BULLET RIDDLED CAR NOT YET SEEN HERE THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: WEDNESDAY MARCH 12 1D30 Pennsyl van ia Ths is your Protection1 Among Local Women Supporting Plah' or Movement to Reform Prohibition THREE INJURED IN MISHAPS ONE ON DANGER LIST Eugene of the ENGINEERS END CONNECTION HERE Police on Watch for Death Auto Reported Headed This Way rom the Bronx No further word has been received by the detective bureau of the local police department regarding the bul let ridden automobile reported by the New York police department to have been headed this way Local patrol men have been carefully instructed as to the type of car and the number plates it bore which are believed to be bullet ridden when last seen The local hospitals have also been notified to be on the watch tor any wounded per sons who enter their institutions The car which was involved in the shooting of a policeman in the Bronx at 4 yesterday morning was reported to be heading toward Springfield The report from Bridgeport did not con tain much information as to the tragedy but all officers in this section have been warned to be on the look out for the death car The cur was described as being either a Buick or Studebaker sedan Institution for Savings Mrs I II Sjostrom whose husband is president or the Kiwuiim club Mrs Charles II Hall and Mss Elizabeth Hall of des cent hill Mrs A Woodward wife of the vice president of Springfield Chapin bank Mrs Clifton A Crocker Mrs Ernest Bugbee Mrs Moses Asinot and Mrs It DeWitt Mallary Mass meeting Planned The group is planning a mass meet ing to be held at the Auditorium in May following the national conven tion of the parent body of which Mrs Charles Sabn tionnl chairman Ames of Boston state branch All memberws have signed pledge cards worded as follows: "Because I believe that the cause Of real temperance has been retard ed by the jsth amendment I behevt that national prohibition bits increased lawlessness hypocrisy and corruption propose to work for some change in the law which will bring about a sane solution ot the pronletn and therefore enrol as a member of the Women's Organization lor Reform of National Th re are no dues to bo paid the work being financed according to of ficials by 1 voluntary contributions Whne it could not belearned what amount the local members have sub untral Pjertonal Service rank wT Wtnxlow Warrea Underwood Charles Hoadstraad rank ir I Ian BUSINESS WEEK CELEBRATED BY LOCAL CLUB Rushworth Munder a the Junior league 189 Sirs Donald Munroe a the Junior league 956 street Mrs a member of the Mary Scanlon Mary Claire fcanlon daughter of idward and Celia (Sullivan) Scanlon of 54 Oak Grove avenue died yesterday after a brief illness She wis a pupil at the Holy amily school She was a niece Rev Andrew Sullivan of The funeral wilf be held at the home tomorrow followed by high at will Calvary of Beef Iron Wine or Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites Gently stimulates functional activity and relnforcijj the sys tem corrects spring lassitude and produce the invigoration ot normal health Pint Bottls 200 Prepared To Be Used on ive Streets Installing Next Week All of the boulevard stop signs will be completed by the end of this week Superintendent Karl Rannenberg of the lighting division of the streets and engineering tiepartment'said yes terday More than 200 signs have been prepared for instalation on the five streets which have been designated as "boulevajdstop Mr Rannenberg said that by the first of next week the work of instal ling the rest of the signs will un doubtedly be started He has received no instructions as yet however as to where the will be begun The signs have been installed only on Han co*ck street todate They will eventual ly be put up on Borton road Wilbra ham road Columbus avenue and State street between Oak street and Boston This System is expected both to re duce hazards and speed up traffic on these main artery's All motorists ap pioachmg any of these streets fiom intersecting (streets will be required to come to a full stop before eutermfi them Congregatlomilists to' Hold ood Sale The Opportunity" Seeker's of irs: i oimregutional church food sale at the at noon The public is Major Says Eire Protection Needed In That Section Mayor Dwight Winter is espe cially interested in tire stations tor unprotected actions lie said yester day: in reply to inquiries relative to ms under discussion for rebuilding Otkland street station He feels that the Pine Point section will have to receive attention from the city in respect to a new fire station hi the near He xias not looked bto the merits of the suggestion of Alderrpan Rich ard Streeter for building an entire ly new at Noel and Oakland streets to replace the present Oak land street: station He is inclined to question as to whether it will be pos sible to make necessary alterations in the present Oakland street building without great cost DE MOLAY TO OBSERVE OBLIGATORY SUNDAY Merpbers of the Springfield Order of De Molay will observe "Obligatory the 16th by attending in a body a special service at South Con gregational chuxfli The boys led by Master Councilor' 'Andrew Sylvester will gather at the MasoMc' on State street and will leave for the South church on apie stree at 1015 a They 'wilt be preceded by the De Molay band "Obligatory set aside each year as an occasion when all mem bers are to attend church ol lowing the service members will rftarch back to the tPmple The group of hydraulTc ei 'ineers who soule time ago filed liens with the "ity of Springfield against Win stn Co general contractors onthe gobble mountain restirgoir bajin aredefinitely through it was indicated by npokesinei for the group last night While the liens filed Jiy the men are still in force and no settlement has been reached the men expressed a belief last night that the affair would be brought to a close soon In the meantime Charles Locher the contractdr selected to carry on the work saiji last night fait he had all the men he needed to handle the work at at Colthle Burial The gerum at the ial will be in Springfield cemetery The funeral of Mrs Mary A Don ovan of 117 la Congress street will be held at the home this morning at815 followed by solemn high requiem mass at the Sacred Heart church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery The funeral of Mis Angelique Mes nard of 55 Harriet street will be held at the hoTne tomorrow morning at 9 followed by requiem high mass at St church at 930 Burial will be in St cemetery Tne funeral of George Karogh lanian was he'd a the Russell funeral home yesterday afternoon at Rev Atig rector of the Church of Our Savior at Worces ter officiated and read the committal services at the grave The bearers were Carson A Johnson Willirain lebotte Ilagoptian EDolnnbed and Arslan Burial as in Oak Grove cemetery Graham's uneral Chapel 24 Bow Service) 37 11 ward St 3 5173 tnvaliil Ambulance HOSPITAL SITE SELECTION NEAR Dr Zenos Scott Chairman of Committee Budget Board Asked The board of control of field Junior1 Achievement meeting yesterday at the ball appointed Dr Zenos chairman of the committee for the Achievement leaders' steak roast to be held the hitter part of April or early in May This steak roast is given by the board members for the hmior Achievement leaders or associate lead ers as a mark of appreciation for their services during the past year 1 he exposition continued last night at the Auditorium with a crowd inter ested in the prospects of making work in the home easier through the use of electrical applianctfs Three rows of booths are lined through the full length of the Auditorium each of these con taining different electrical devices All kinds of coffee perc ulators elec tric toasters and waffle irons are on display and many of the models are ornamental as well as'tiseful A prac tical demonstration of the power of a vacuum cleaner which does not cor respond with the average type in the home reveals a cleaner lifting a 15 pound weight through a vacuum tube by means of its power of suction Many booths contailt typesof i efrig orators cooled by electricity Several local electrical fixture mon have placed in their booth wall and ceiling fixtures One concern has on display an extraor dinarily large flatiron Persons are al lowed to guess the weight of this iron nnrl at the closing exposition Saturday night the one who guesses best is to be given a solid silver urn set One feature of the show is the set of model rooms placed on the stage of the Auditorium These rooms contain 'bets of furniture and each room dis plays selected types of electrical ap pliances which are useful in that type of room A program of musical se lections both vocal and instrumental was offered last night Harry McGown acted as master of ceremonies with the Pollay Spaulding duct offering se lections on the violin and piano Yvonne Des Rosiers sang several so prano selections with Joe LaVaux playing the accordion and with Young at the piano BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS READY BY SATURDAY ing special classes for 'girls wfib) are not enroled in 'the sewing classes at the various schools Mr Brady director reported that plans had been made for the Spring 1 field Union Achievement work con test April 28 to June 12 inclusive with the exhibit held as a part of the annual exhibit of June 12 and 13 A rally and entertainment program for club members rjnd leaders will he held at Central High school the 27tlv Seven Achievement groups have been formed at the central A and they have 14 leaders ready for service a very unusual situation since leadership more difficult to obtifln Mrs 4adia Dixon director re ported 46 clujs with 78 leaders and 87 snortsors 1 DIED this city 10th MJ Eva Burt ot 34 erry street V' in er al services at fuieral home 684 State streetWednesday at 3 Erljl In Oak Glove cemetery fi CA DIG in ty 11th (ladlgan of 33 Vanness venue neral will be held at the Dillon A petition for instalation of a stop light at the corner of and Spring streets was being circulated last night among residents of the Hill section Additional safety de vices for this corner have been sought far some time as a re sult of a number of accidents at the intersection The petition which will probably be presented to the city council at its meeting Monday night was being circulated by Councilman Thomas Davidson A number of tetiffents of the vicinity said last night that this im provement was greatly needed James Tuceolo of 94 Pearl stieet pointed out that tile ijiMvy traffic movingthrough Pearl itrect Hilly justified'the request for added protection I 'irticu larly because ot the 'steep grade from Spring street easterly to Byers street and because of the fact that buildings obstruct the view from all directions at the approach to the intersection Winston Company Men Bein ouppiantea oy Locner Liens Still in EEl Eteacon Peuu Oil because we know what IS a means 9 lnd hecuuse yon Mrs Robert ML Neat inCharge Members Describe Their Work ip requiem Grimn was Rev John and Rev subdeacon committal cemetery in priests sat Mrs Julian Mrs Juliana Ciborowski 44 of 117 Cfass died at Mercy hospital Monday night after a brief illness She was born wi Poland and had been a resident ot Springfield for the years Besides her husband Julian Ciborowski she is survived by three daughters Mtwy and Bertha all of Springfield two sons Zygmundand tynnislaijs both of this ity and two brothers Stanley of Brooklyn and Joseph Jau jszczyk in Europe? She was a mem ber of the Holy osary society of Our Lndy the Rosary church The funeral will be held at the home tomorrow morning at 830 followed by requiciA high mass at Our Lady ov the Rosary church at 9 Burial willbe in St Stanislaus's cemetery Chico pee MTS 11 1 Rev Bradley of New Lenox Says at Christ Church Cathedral That Knowledge Gains Daily The Christian religion has nothing to fear from discoveries science has made Rev rederick Bradley rec tor of St Helena's Episcopal church at New Lenox declared in his sermon yesterday noon at Christ Church cathedral The preacher at the noon day Lenten service today will be Rev rederick Danker of St Luke's Episcopal church at Worcester To night at 8 the preacher will be Rev Spence Burton superior of the order of St John Evangelist This will be the first Wednesday night Lenten service at the Cathedral Mr Bradley said in part: day mankind makes new discoveries of the greatness of God's nature and this knowledge if we will use it will give us all a better understanding of what God expects of us ip this life "There are still many Christian peo ple who think that absolute faithful ness to God consists in the refusal to recognize the revelations of God that have come to ipan and so continue to think of God only as he was con ceived of by the Old Testament patriarchs The Christian religion has nothing to fear from the discoveries that the of science has made for Christianity is founded upon the truth and modern learning should the bet ter enable us to know the purpose of life than to retard us in serving God "The words of Christ are eminently true for men and women cannot be spiritually or mentally free if they willfully hedge themselves about with the same old Judaistic ideas of Jaweh let in the light of and refuse to civilization "The mistake pie make is in eeption of God a description of should be like possible to get of molding God after our own image and therefore much of our thinking is hampered by placing God in a human position result is that we fail to see clearly all that God reveals to man kind day by day It limits God's power his purpose and often puts him in the light of being conceriAd over the trivial things that so ntany men and women worry 1175 LOCAL WOMEN I PLEDGE SUPPORT TO PROHIBITION REORM (4 ontlnucd rom irst 270 at Joint Meeting Watch Westinghouse Research Man Transmit Music With Beam of Light Music transmitted by a beam of light a dragon Telelux who at his master's bidding turned off and on the lights in the hall and other elec trical tricks based largely on the use of the photoelectric bulb entertained about 270 members of the Engineer ing society nt Western Massachusetts and the Springfield section of the American Institute of Electrical Eb gincers last night at the II ighland hotel vTlie meeting was a joint onePresident George Pellissier of the Engineering society presided The demonstrations were given by Kmtner director of tire West inghouse electrical research kibora tory who was assisted bv Dr Phillips Thomas! A special amplifier in three sections bass middle tones and so pi Tino was also demonstrated Had lie full power been put on the win dows in the room would have been blown out so one of the engineers said Dr Thomas declared that the amplifier is of such strength that words spoke in the ordinary tone can be heard distinctly a mile away in the midst of city traffic i Airplane 1 rick Shown The way 1n which an airplane can turn on the landing lights on a field at night while the plane is stiHlngh in the air and an improved traffic signal for use at intersections were also shown The traffic signal one of which is in use at Wilkinsburg Pa? and which costs less than $200mc than the ordinary traffic light system works on the principal of an intersected light ray Men at the meeting last night heard the sound of the blaze ot a match and the irregular roar caused by the light of a 250 watt electric light bulb They saw a feeble mildly flickering red light which when turned on an apparatus at the other side of the room gave forth music being played on a phonograph record As a final demonstration of photo electric celjs Mr Kintner Jtis electrical dragon Telelux whom called a younger brother to Mr Tele vox with' an electric lighted gun and turned on and off tie lights in the hall where the meeting was hel i "A lazy Mr Kintner ex plained have one of these guns and shoot his Telelux in the eye to shut the windows turn on the Steam and do those other disagreeable things early in the morning Committee Appointed At the business session the follow ing were appointed as a nominating committee to brjng in names for new officers of the Engineering society at the next meeting: Chairman George Williamson Arthur Hall red Hunt Roy McCorkingdale George Ai derman Davis and Towne The next meeting of the ociety will be held April 15 at Hartford Ct when the local club will meet withXthe Hartford Engineering club red Hunt president of the Spring field section of the American Insti tute of Electrical Engineers an nounced that the next meeting of the section will be held at Worcester April 17 with the Lynn and Worces ter sections Prof Harold Smith national president of the institute will speak on "High Voltage Phe Musicians rom Home Prog 'i ress and Electrical Exposi tion to Visit Sh Hos pital Today The entertainers at the home prog ress and electricil exposition ilow showing at 'the AuditOnuni will pio vide a show this afternoon for the crippled children at the hos pital The visit which was made pos sible by the courtesy of the manage ment and the entertainers themselves will be made at 430 when a program ot musical numbers will be offered ts Among the prizes given at the show last night weiD the following: Erwiir Mill ot 23 Ley red terrace electric flatiron: Mrs A Markham of 666 Chestnut street electric hand vacuum cleaner John Tyler ot 47 Woodmont street West Spi mgfield electric cook er Lucy Putney of 17 Morning sde teiare V'e Sprmgfi Id electuc flatiron Paine of 47 Sunapee sti house ste ik 31 M' Tibbals of 21 orest street Wilhman sett electnc warmmg pad Mrs iske of 15 Pjearant street Chico Building Confers With Mayor Winter The subcommittee seeking tion for the proposed new contagious diseases hospital will con fer ith Mayor Dwight Winter to day relative to a list of sites that are being considered Dr A Riordan chairman of the subcommittee said last night that the choice 'has been narrowed down to about five tracts from the 30 that had been under con sideration within the past few weeks After submitting the Mata collected on the live sites to the mayor and obtaining hi a views the subcommit tee will make its report next week to the general committee in charge of plans for the new institution It is expected that the final report will be placed before the city council before the end of the month Renewal of the protest against the proposal to use the present city home site opposite the Massachusetts Mu tual building on State evidence yesterday as final selection of a site for the hospi tal came nearer Massachusetts Mutual company said that the city should carry out the planning proposal to erect a junior high school and a branch of the city library on the city home property and to locate the new hos pital and the almshouse elsewhere PETITION OR STOP LIGHT CIRCULATED thij time Labor conditions mountain entilely sat he declared and if anv had too much labor rather enough The technical work being done by ihe engineering group brought to Springfield from Seattle Wash will be handler! by pro vided by it was said and thoroughly experienced in this line' 'A representative of the Seattle en gineers was in Niw York city yes terday negotiating for employment elsewhere for the men According to spokesmen for the engirers Mr Lcher is taking over the whole job agd will bring in his own hydraulic experts They corroborate the reports that Mr' is really assuming the whole uurden for the Winston concern at the bkhest of the bonding comnanips George Rice 3rr deputy city treasurer said yesterday that the iftoney the Winston company un der the contract with the city but held up by the various attachments and liens is still untouched No nove has been made by the representativesof the Winston companvas yet to have the attachments removed This will undoubtedly be done as soon as till the cijditors have been dealt with and all been dis posed of Mr Rice said headquarters in Nellie Sehin ptei organist Dlrs Mellon of the Junior Sherwood a member of the 114 Harvard street Sherbrooke: Mrs I 11 150 Haitard triet? Mrs Henry Shptner 77 Garfield street Miss Katherine Snow a of the Junior league Southworth 309 Long Miss Alice Speght Ernst dow Mrs Scott SH earns her of the Junior league 99 ton avenue Longmeadow Stewart Mrs Raymond 115 irglade avenue Mis Constant Hill street Longmei a mem annins can Su prise Emily Sutton Miss Ruth Sutton artist 142 Thompson street Mrs Swan 20 Hanover street Longmea dow Mrs Hobart Swan 47 River view street Mrs Tenney Go armington avenue Longmeadow Mrs Gerald Tenney 86 Converse street Long meadow Mrs II Carleton Thompson Mrs Jahn Van Horn a membei of the Junior league 179 Clarendon street Mrs rank Vincent 3 Pal myra street Mrs Gladys Waldron It member of the Junior league 100 Marengo pnrk: Mrs Madora Wallace widow of Andrew 47 Ridgewood terrace: Mrs Sol Welt mnn 89 orest Park avenue: Mrs John White 90 Colony road Long meadow Mrs rederick Whitmore 75 Honkins place LoncmeadoM Mrs Robert Winans 55 Plateau circle Mrs A Woodward 25 Bellevue avenue wife of vice president of Springfield Chapin National Bank Trust company Each of the members pledges her self to secure as many additional members as possible the minimum be ing set at five per new member The personnel of the Springfield committee which is directing the work in this city ami Longmeadow in eludes Mrs Putnam as chairman am' Mrs George Sabin and Mrs Georg erguson as vice chairmen The other members are: Miss Dorothy Bowles Mrs John Breglio Mrs Laurence Chapin Mrs Reynolds Clarke Miss Elizabeth Crocker Miss Marion Davies Mrs Wiuior Day Mrs George Ellis Mrs Alden rench Miss Gallagher Miss Mathil da Heydt Mrs rederic JonesMrs William Kirk ham Mrs Milton Reach Mrs George Sabin Mrs Paul Langhanimer Mrs AOppenheimer Mrs Elmer Silver Jr Mrs Andrew Wallace Ji Mrs Harold Wesson Mrs Walter Wesson Miss iorene Young and Miss Annie Stebbins The Reason Between Reasons Requires Cold Remedies and Spring Tonics March Is a trying month changeable weatner winds and dust all germ carriers best preventive of a last winter cold is an effective pring tonic The funeral of Alexander Todd of210 street was held yesterday at chapel Rev' Dr Neil Mc Pherson 'bffleiated Bursal was in Hill crest Park cemetery 'The funeral of Miss Helena Ger trude Maguire was held yesterday ht the hOiAe 47 Everett street with solemn high mass ot Requiem at Sacred Hjeart Rev Jolvt celebrant of the mass Sullivan was deacon James ather Griffin read the tervlce Chicopee A griip within the sanctuary and included ather ifogan of South Hadley who assisted ather Griffin in reading the services at were Janies Kenneflek Harriffigton McCormick The funeral of Minas of 75 Redlands 'treet will be held at the Russell funeral home this afternoon at 2 Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery The funeral of Mrs Cora Tilton vjife of Rev Charles Tilton former pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church in this city will be held at the Byfield Methodist Episcopal church this afternoon Burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery at Everett The funeral ot Sister Mary Josepha who in private life was Josephine Mc Graw of Worcester will held the Brightside chapel of the Sisters of Providence this morning with solemn requiem high mass at 930 Burial will be in Calvary cemetery at Bright side The ftaieral of Mrs Harry Hayward of 49 Princeton street will be held at the home tomo irow morning followed by services at St Episcopal church at 10 Rev George I 'crgusonfficiating Burial will be in Oak Grove cemeteny The funeral of Dlrs Eva Burt of 34 crp" street will lie held at fufteral parlors 'his afternoon at 3 Burial willbe in Oak Grove ceme tery The funeral of Mrs red Johnson of 79 OswegQ street will be held at Gra cirapet tins atternoon at 12 30 will be at South Amherst funeral of Mrs Edwin Mar ot 49 Pine street will be held home this afternoon at 2Bur MRS HAROLD ADAMS A of the was McCarron was morning at 815 mass of requiem church at 9 Burial chael's Mrs Arthur Mrs Lila Drake of 68 Massa chusetts avenue wife of Arthur Drake died yesterday afternoon at the home after long illness She an active member of the irst Congregational church The funeral Will be held riday afternoon at 2 at fhe parlSrs of the Dickinson Streeter company Rev Dr Neil McPherson officiating Burial will be at West Suf field Ct Angfollna Gentile Anoiolina Gentile 15 daughter of Mr and Airs Gentile of 56 GaAlner street died yesterday at the home of her parents after a long ill ness Besides her parents she leaves three brothers Antonio Michael and Luigi and one sister Carmela all of this city The funeral arrangements are in charge of rank orastiere Man ractures Skull in Auto Accident Youth Riding Bicycle Badly Hurt in Colli sion A Doman is at Mercy hospital v'th a possible fractured spine and Jrac tured'skull a man is suffering from a probable fracture of the pelvis find a boy is at Wesson hospital witlt a fractured skull as the traffic crashes and one cident yesterday John Wright 69 circle is at Mercy with a piMsible fracture of the pelvis and multiple bruises on his face and Ifead He was struck by an automobile op erated by Eugene Perreault of 95 Butler street at the intersection of Dwight and Grosvenor streets at 715 last night Anton Schlips 21 of 180 Woodlawn street was taken to Wesson hospital last night following an automobile ac cident at Allen and Mill streets He is on the danger list with a fractured skull According to the police Schlips was riding a bicycje south on Walnut street and collided with an automo bile driven by tyilliam Allen of 582 Allen street Airs lora Brissette 31 of 31 Allen dale street is at Mercy hospital in a serious condition as the result of a fall at her home shortly before 2 yesterday She sustained a broken an kle possible fractured spine and pas sible fractured skull when she fell from the rear porch on the second floor of the house to the ground At the the accident shewas hanging out clothes and leaned against the porch rail which broke causing jicr to fall to the yard The police were notified and Patrolman Alex ander Gray responded Dr Sweeney attending the woman She was rushed to the hospital in police ambulance Speaks to Adfertlsing Cluh Bolser assistant advertising manager of the Strathmore Paper company was the guest speaker at the weekly "luncheon of the Adver tising film vesterr iv nt land hotel He snoke on the subject'Words and Music in He iota ortne value what it means to VJomn Smit INCORPORATED Jg DRUG GIST MAtN st non 131 LOOKORTHE green pump Colonial STATlONSrANDDEALEblS jw 1 Hl vjt i LUj Alitiiatii fcadlgarr at the ehome of his son Timothy funeral parlors Holyoke Thuiday morning at 830 followed by a hfeh mass of requiem sthe Holy Cross chuAh at 9 wMl be St cemetery In tlfis Palma Jfrotta 18 of Orange st ete unerll at ihe home Wednesday at 615 a followed Ay requiem high mass at CarmelThurch at 7 Burial in Holy CrosiAftmetery 'lalderu Mass funeral director In ciWllth Mrs BMa ffjDrake wife of Artlrur Drake oiKBSTassachusetts avenue tfueral service ijftday at 2 mto at kinss Streeter com Burial in West Suffield Ct In city 18th Mrs I'Augusta wlfeof Harry dHayward ot 49 PriSerton street uneral ervlco at Sc Peter'A Episcopal church lucklntun street Thursday at 10 a I feudal in rk Grove cemetery MrsC Hay fiward may be seen at the hme 9 I Wednesday At Chicopee 11th William Klassenev uneral at the Grlse funeral home Wednesday at 2 a Burial in airview 'remeterf In this city 8th Mary Johnson 63 wl ot red Johnson uneral (tervleal at c'eapel 37 39 Howardstreet YVedne la at 1230 Burial at iJSouth Amherst At Mercy hospital Minas Kluskalian uneral at Busse funeralhome 933 State street Wedrtsiay at 2 SBurial In Oak Grove cemetery Mere hospital 10th Michael McMahon ot 213 vf ale street Holyokeuneral at John S' a funeral parlors fjlolyoke Thursday at 830 a followed iwiy a HJsh mass of rebuiem in St Patrick's tehanel 9 a nV Burial St Jerome cem retery 4 4 In this clt: 9th Mary jane 1 wife of Edwin Margerum 'uneral service at the home 49 Pine street VWedneed 2 fo rn Burial uneral arrangements In nurge £t)f WH Graham corporation this city Oth Mrs Angelique Cvfenaid 82 un Thursday at 9 a in at jrthe home 55 Ilarrkv street followed by re tiiulem uHflgU mass at bt church EBurlaKIn St cemetery uneral rrangruene by Caron Si At Chicopee llth Jahn pMiller' uneral at the home 515 Jummon ftavenne Thursday at 830 a i) Hipa mass wnf requiem in Hu IV Name church at 4 a EBurial in Calvary cetnSlerj Grise rJr tuneral director 4 In this citv Mary Clai iwMcanlcn daughter ofe Ed eird and Delia (RulHvan Scanlon uneral al the home felSl Oak Giove avenue Thursday at 815 Requiem he run ssxfnllowhig in Holy ftmily church a Erlends invited fcl In thia city at the Buscall ti hom*o llth NL Annie Stoddard 75 gformuHy of Clrcop daughter of the lat Robert and Rachael Smith Bemis Notice'? bot funeral will he announced later In this city luth VabtlnoVincent Valentlni 3U of 797 Worthington Lstreet uneral at the home Thursday at 815 a followed by requiem high mass in ixouer iaunei enliven st a IJn St ffuner1 director they High friends hand especially the BrlcktayeiV union the wK of AL and ushers of Dur Lady of Hope Ichurch for their kind expressions of sym fpathy 'rd floral tributes during our recent febereavenf it fj Mi: AND MIS McDONALD in excellent Regardkiss of 'X weather keep a uniform 'temperature in'" your Dome ana a small supply of 'Anthracite nr KOIrERS Conn co*kE clcpkons 4 3137 A ''2 WM LOOD COAL CO Springfield's Largest Distributor of Koppcrs co*ke A program in observance of tonal tlusiness Women's week 1 jfejd last night by the Springfield Bus iness and Professional Women 5 club jit the clubrooms at 34 Borse place A feature j' the program was short talks by several local prof slorxl and business women A short business meeting preceded the program which fraa called to order Jr acting president Itjiss iwinie rost Mrs Robert Neal was in charge of tbr evening and read Gov Aliei? Busi ness Women's week proclamation i Among those who spoke Miss Madeline Ball Snday editor of The Springfield Republican who repre sented the professional women ot Sie flub She told about tip the magazine and feature sections of the unday paper and of many Inter sting features involved en the work She also told of ffiany high lights in ber own experience Unemployment Discussed 8 Miss Mary Wadsworth registrar at the Massachusetts public Office was te second speaker She discussed unenlpUyment chiefly and gave several reasons for employment fluctuations Among them she named inventions ma productnffi age limits seasonal demands and increased fn filling orders Sie tent into te mal guidance and the problem qt finding work for eh rly people briefly Mrs 1 Gertrude Hove? proprietor of the Glad Aron company presented the poirft of view of the manufacture er and outlined the growth of her business from a small one which was parried on 'n her own home to one i hich requires building and Outside field representatives of the leading members are willing to pay the cost of carrying on the "re form" movement Among Sew Members Enroled Among the 175 enroled from this city ami Longmeadow in the organi zation within the last week are the tollowing: Mrs 1J Adams orest Glen road Longmeadow Mrs Bradford SO Longmeadow street Long MrA Moses Asinof 9 Belle JUiss bylvia Atwater Alias Alice Bjusmin Miss Louise Bataes Junior league U5 Mrs William Bemis G4 Colonv road Long meadow Miss Harriet Borne orest Glen road Longmeadow Mrs Walton Blackford 156 Maple street Afis Bradford Jr 37 Chatham road Longmeadow: Mrs John Brand 310 Pine street wile of president of Springfield Institution for Savings Miss Judith Brand Mrs Ernest Bugbee 208 I ong Hill street Mrs Daniel Buioank 17 Mulberry streetMrs Goodwin Carter 17 High street Mrs Gordon Case SL Ohio avenue West Springfield Mrs Mvra Chace Mrs Chapin 61 Mag nolia temaee Mrs Neal Chapin 138 Park drive Mrs A Christhulm Mrs I Ross Clai'it 151 Draper street' Miss rances I Collins a member of the Junior league Mrs 11 Colton Jr 23 Irvington s'reet Mrs Mahloii Conies a member of the Junior league 57 Mulberry street: Mrs Clif ton A Crocker 274 Long Hill street and Miss Martha Elizabeth Crocker 271 Long Hill street Mrs Morgan Day 41 Mulberry street Mrs Call Darts Mrs Morns Dobrcau 160 Maplc street Mrs Llovd ernaid 100 Ieyfred tfrraee Mrs A erry 125 Kimberlev avenue' Mrs William A letcher Jr 150 Park drive Longmeadow Mrs I lin Mrs Edward reeman 30 Warren ter race Longmeadow Mrs Alden rench Roseland terrace Longmeadow Mrs Samuel Green 325 Long Hill street Mrs Charles Hall Crescent hill and Miss Elizabeth Hall Mrs Hosley 44 Westminster street Mrs John Howe 31 Mad son avel nue Mrs Hubbard 123 West minster street: Mrs Allison Humes 9 Llewellyn place Longmeadow Mrs Herman Iscnburg 152 Siimner avenue Mrs Douglas Judd Mrs Mary rs Kingsburv 99 Mulberry stieet Mrs Irma Ku kham Airs George street Miss Snllv 27 Ridgewood terrace Mrs Loma 3oa Maple street Mrs Long Mrs Bercy Waldron Long 87 Elliot street Mrs Katherine Long Miss Ellery Loomis 55 Marengo park Mrs Dorothy Lyon Mrs Edward Lyons 43 Brunswick Street Mrs Pat rick Lyons Mrs DeWitt Mallary Mrs Marsh Jr 175 St Jami's avenue Miss Isabel MeCaughan 53 George street Mrs Catherine McKenna 246 Col ony road Longmtadow Mrs Winslow Meadows 70 Leyfred' terrace Mrs Morris Metcalf 90 Park drive Long meadow Mrs Morgan 22 War ren terrace Longmeadu'iv Mrs Thom as Moriarty Mrs Alice Morris 2l8Peail street Springfield: Mrs Thomas Mulvey 116 Woodside tcr 3 Mis Eleanor Wade curator at the Art museum then tola of the history of the art museum from the beginning bt George Walter Vincent per sonal cufiectn and told of its great variety and of Mr Smith's desire to have every to be particularly in teresting in some one phase either fine coloi workmanship She tffii jhasized the cooperation between the museum ad the schools of the city through the social study literature and drawing classes I BooISand Retail trade was represented bS' Mrs flazel Cornn'er business manager of the riendly bookshon Who said that the book business in this city was Xery poor She gave as a reasn for this that people woult not pay $2 and 1 250 for a book when they could jead it for two cents a from the public library She said that we "a l5 minute a day public nd th jve prefer 0 get things from newspa pers and magazines as a whole he last aker of the evening was firs Edith Pease maeseuse whf ex plained the Battle Creek system cf piassaging and epoktf of Jhf benefits pf fresh air exercise and proper liv ing Instead of tedicines She also gave a demonstration of a massagen Miss Helen Hcyt secretary of the lub Arrangements vere completed fol a DENIES SCIENCE HURTS RELIGION race Mrs member of Bay street member of Longmeadow street Mrs Charles Munsell a member of the Junior league 126 Greenacre avenue Long? meadow' Mrs Wallace Norcross 83 Kimberly avenue Airs Meade A Ober Airs Oehlers social worker Neighborhood House Vt cst field Airs Alice O'Neill: MrsD 21 Itendale street Mrs Orr 31 Burton street Airs Kenneth Pngc ill arrington avenue Long meadow Mrs Hugo Pax Mrs Jo sephine Powers Junior league 216 Central Mrs Edna Itavne race Magnolia terrace Airs Mabel Riley 307 Dwtght street extension Mrs 8 Robinson Jr a member of the Junior league 107 Hopkins place Longmeadow Airs lorence Russell 218 Leng Hill street Miss Bertha Saunders clerk at police M's music rp street member Junior league Mr 4' 1 4 ot lllir Wx 1 Shiite' i A' WWW! ifc Wig swot tilt IBB? ME Contag I Mt kno 1UB i a I I I I i i S5 I '1 1 Smile Your Answers 1 1 I '1 A I 4 1 1 "J1 a 1 Jt rt I 4 1 kJ RK 1 Biz 5 1 A ''vhk W'ldf' 4' W' Xs' jX 81.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.