Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (2024)


I’m coming back into the United States and I need to bring in more than $10,000. I heard that it is illegal to bring that much money into the U.S. when you travel. Am I allowed to bring in more than $10,000 to the U.S. when I travel?

The simple answer to this question is: YES.

Many people are under the impression that you are not allowed to carry more than $10,000 into the United States; this is nothing more than an urban legend. The fact is that you may legally carry any amount of money you want into or out of the United States, but there is a catch. When transporting more than $10,000, you must file a report declaring the exact amount of funds you are transporting to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). To be clear, there are no customs duties, taxes or other fees paid to U.S. Customs for the international transportation of the money; it is merely a reporting requirement to U.S. Customs. On a Typical Day in Fiscal Year 2015, CBP seized$356,396 in undeclared or illicit currency.

If persons traveling together have $10,000 or more, they cannot divide the currency between each other to avoid declaring the currency. For example, if one person is carrying $5,000 and the other has $6,000, they have a total of $11, 000 in their possession and must report it.

What happens if you don’t declare your money? The penalties and repercussions can be severe. If you are stopped by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer and more than $10,000 is found on your person or in your belongings and this money was not declared, you run the very real risk of CBP taking all of the money you were carrying… and keeping it. Failure to report the international transportation of money is serious business. Not only could you lose your money forever, you may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.

On a side note, reporting requirements are not limited to cash dollars. The same requirements apply for various monetary instruments, including foreign currency, traveler’s checks, domestic or foreign bank notes, securities or stocks in bearer form.To learn more about the requirements of the Currency and Foreign Transaction Reporting Act, clickhere.

And if you are reading this blog post because you failed to report your funds and CBP has seized your money, your best bet is to contact an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced with these matters ( There is an administrative process by which you can attempt to recuperate your funds and having the assistance of a skilled attorney is key to maximizing your chance of getting your money back and minimizing your chances of exposing yourself to civil and criminal fines.

My firm and I are greatly experienced with these matters, having handled hundreds of these types of cases nationwide. This is a Federal process most often done through email, telephone and snail mail correspondence with the Federal Government and so we can help no matter where in the country you are located or your monies were seized. Although we are located in South Florida, we handle cases all over the country.

We have a webpage dedicated to Currency Seizures HEREwith REALSEIZURE NOTICE examplesfrom CBP, a video describing the process and a sampling of some of our REAL successful results.

*Successful Past Results

Some REAL examples include:

  • $54,000 Seized by CBP – $49,000 Returned to our client
  • $50,800 Seized by CBP – $45,800 Returned to our client
  • $39,000 Seized by CBP – $36,500 Returned to our client
  • $37,360 Seized by CBP – $33,500 Returned to our client
  • $31,062 Seized by CBP – $28,562 Returned to our client
  • $16,334 Seized by CBP – $15,334 Returned to our client

Additional blog posts on currency seizures may be found HERE.

Contact us at today to discuss your specific case.


Estoy regresando a los Estados Unidos y necesito traer más de 10,000 dólares. Escuché que cuando viajas, es ilegal traer tanto dinero a los Estados Unidos. ¿Puedo viajar a los Estados Unidos con más de 10,000 dólares?

La respuesta a dicha pregunta es: SI.

Muchas personas especulan que no se permite traer más de 10,000 dólares a los Estados Unidos; Sin embargo, esto no es más que una leyenda urbana. El hecho es que, sí se puede transportar legalmente cualquier cantidad de dinero que desee dentro o fuera de los Estados Unidos, mediante un procedimiento. Cuando se transporta más de 10,000 dólares, usted debe presentar un informe ante La Aduana y Protección Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos (CBP) donde declare la cantidad exacta de fondos que está transportando. Para aclarar, no hay impuestos u otras tarifas que se deba pagar a la Aduana de los Estados Unidos por el transporte internacional del dinero; Simplemente es un requisito de notificación. En un día típico del año fiscal 2015, la CBP incautó un total de $356,396 en moneda no declarada o ilícita.

Si las personas que viajan juntas tienen 10,000 dólares o más, no pueden dividirse el dinero entre ellos para evitar declarar el dinero. Por ejemplo, si una persona lleva $5,000 y la otra tiene $6,000, tienen un total de $11,000 en su poder, por tal motivo deben declararlo.

¿Qué pasa si no declaras tú dinero? Las penalizaciones y repercusiones pueden ser severas. Si un oficial de la Aduana y Protección Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos lo detiene y encuentra que posee más de 10,000 dólares, bien sea en efectivo o en sus pertenencias monetarias, no declarados, usted corre el riesgo de que CBP decomise todo su dinero… y se lo quede. El no reportar el transporte internacional de dinero es un asunto serio. No solo podría perder su dinero para siempre, sino que también puede estar sujeto a sanciones civiles y penales.

Por otro lado, los requisitos para reportar no se limitan a dólares en efectivo. Los mismos requisitos se aplican a diversos instrumentos monetarios, incluyendo moneda extranjera, cheques de viajero, billetes de banco nacionales o extranjeros, valores o acciones en forma de portador. Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos de la Ley de Divulgación y Transacciones Extranjeras, haga clic aquí.

Si está leyendo este blog porque no reportó sus fondos y CBP ha decomisado su dinero, lo mejor que puede hacer es comunicarse con un abogado que tenga conocimiento y experiencia en estos asuntos. Contáctenos a través de Existe un proceso administrativo mediante el cual puede intentar recuperar sus fondos. Sin embargo, es esencial contar con la asistencia de un abogado calificado para maximizar sus posibilidades de recuperar su dinero y minimizar sus posibilidades de exponerse a multas civiles y penales.

Diaz Trade Law (DTL) posee mucha experiencia en estos asuntos, ya que ha manejado cientos de estos tipos de casos a nivel nacional. Este es un proceso federal que se realiza con mayor frecuencia a través de correo electrónico, el teléfono y correspondencia por correo postal con el Gobierno Federal, por lo que podemos ayudarlo sin importar en qué lugar del país se encuentre o en que parte de los Estados Unidos se decomisó su dinero. Aunque estamos ubicados en el sur de la Florida, manejamos casos en todo el país.

DTL cuenta con una página web dedicada a incautaciones de moneda con ejemplos reales de AVISOS DE INCAUTACION, un video que describe el proceso y una muestra de algunos de nuestros resultados REALES y exitosos.

* Resultados Exitosos

Algunos ejemplos REALES incluyen:

  • $ 54,000 incautados por CBP – $ 49,000 devueltos a nuestro cliente
  • $ 50,800 incautados por CBP – $ 45,800 devueltos a nuestro cliente
  • $ 39,000 incautados por CBP – $ 36,500 devueltos a nuestro cliente
  • $ 37,360 incautados por CBP – $ 33,500 devueltos a nuestro cliente
  • $ 31,062 incautados por CBP – $ 28,562 devueltos a nuestro cliente
  • $ 16,334 incautados por CBP – $ 15,334 devueltos a nuestro cliente

AQUÍ pueden encontrar publicaciones adicionales sobre incautaciones de dinero.

Contáctenos hoy al correo electrónico: para discutir el mérito de su caso.

By Jennifer Diaz|2021-11-10T14:53:15-05:00January 10, 2012|Best Practices, Currency Seizure, Seizures, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)|41 Comments


  1. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (1)

    SteveMay 23, 2012 at 10:24 am

    What type of documentation do you need to support that the cash is yours? I been working in Afghanistan for 2 years and will be returning home this summer with approximately $50,000 in cash.

    I have looked into wire transferring the money but the local Western Union will only transfer $2000 per transaction and cannot transfer to a bank, must be direct to a person and there is limited amounts of transaction per week, etc….so it’s really not an option.


    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (2)

      CHAD HERRELLAAugust 25, 2019 at 8:59 am

      you can use bitcoin hard wallets like keep key to bring around any amount of cash

  2. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (3)

    georgeJuly 4, 2012 at 6:00 am

    suppose, I carry less than $10000, do I still have to prove that the money is legit?
    I have been frequently asked how much money I have even though my declaration says less than $10000.

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (4)

      StarTraverseDecember 19, 2016 at 4:30 am

      You can carry 9999 $ and you don’t have to prove anything, The reason why you have been asked it is because sometimes people state one amount of money and when they are asked again they sais another. You can easily say i have 9999 $ and there will be no problems.

  3. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (5)

    John MyersAugust 23, 2012 at 3:43 am

    Is it possible to check if a FINCEN form was filed for a passenger? Does US Customs have historical records?

  4. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (6)

    Jen DiazJanuary 3, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    Yes, you can submit a FOIA – Freedom of Information Act Request to Customs to get declaration forms, BUT, you need the consent of the person who declared the funds to get it!

  5. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (7)

    Vijay RavulapalliMay 16, 2016 at 10:56 am

    If a family of 4 are travelling, how will this 10k work, can each person carry less then 10k that need not be declared ?

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (8)

      Jennifer DiazJune 3, 2016 at 12:49 am

      Check out this blog post – lays it all out for you! If you still have questions – schedule a consultation with us by emailing

      Today, CBP issued a final rule, “to broaden the definition of “members of a family residing in one household” to more accurately reflect relationships for U.S. citizens, residents and international visitors who are traveling together as a family.”

      CBP confirmed “the expansion of the term will include long-term same-sex couples and other domestic relationships which would allow more returning U.S. citizens, residents and international visitors to file a joint customs declaration for items acquired abroad. The rule will be effective thirty days after publication in the Federal Register.”

      CBP clarified the definition of “domestic relationship” and advised it includes “foster children, stepchildren, half-siblings, legal wards, other dependents, and individuals with an in loco parentis or guardianship relationship. Also included within the definition two adults who are in a committed relationship including, but not limited to, long-term companions and couples in civil unions or domestic partnerships where the partners share financial assets and obligations, and are not married to, or a partner of, anyone else. Members of a family residing in one household” will continue to encompass relationships of blood, adoption, and marriage.”

  6. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (9)

    Rohit KhannaMay 16, 2016 at 11:51 am

    What do you mean by persons travelling together? I am travelling with my wife and kid and have bought the 3 tickets together. My other son is also travelling with us, but I have bought the trip separately since his return date is different. Would you count all 4 of us travelling together?

    Thanks in advance

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (10)

      Jennifer DiazJune 3, 2016 at 12:48 am

      Check out this blog post – lays it all out for you!

      Today, CBP issued a final rule, “to broaden the definition of “members of a family residing in one household” to more accurately reflect relationships for U.S. citizens, residents and international visitors who are traveling together as a family.”

      CBP confirmed “the expansion of the term will include long-term same-sex couples and other domestic relationships which would allow more returning U.S. citizens, residents and international visitors to file a joint customs declaration for items acquired abroad. The rule will be effective thirty days after publication in the Federal Register.”

      CBP clarified the definition of “domestic relationship” and advised it includes “foster children, stepchildren, half-siblings, legal wards, other dependents, and individuals with an in loco parentis or guardianship relationship. Also included within the definition two adults who are in a committed relationship including, but not limited to, long-term companions and couples in civil unions or domestic partnerships where the partners share financial assets and obligations, and are not married to, or a partner of, anyone else. Members of a family residing in one household” will continue to encompass relationships of blood, adoption, and marriage.”

  7. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (11)

    Jean PierreJune 13, 2016 at 1:15 pm

    I inherited USD $15,000 in a foreign country. I want to bring it to the US. What problems may I come across even if I declare it? I hear that it may be taxed or even held until CBP determines that it really was inherited.

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (12)

      Jennifer DiazNovember 11, 2016 at 4:20 pm

      Good question. I typically help my clients with the documentation you should have on hand when hand carrying currency. If you want to discuss your personal case scenario after reviewing our blog post, please schedule a consultation with us by emailing

  8. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (13)

    AliceJune 19, 2016 at 1:23 am

    Say if my parents travel together with my aunt who is the blood sister of my mother, does that count as two families or one? Thank you!

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (14)

      Jennifer DiazJune 20, 2016 at 2:59 pm

      Check out this blog post – lays it all out for you! If you still have questions – schedule a consultation with us by emailing
      Today, CBP issued a final rule, “to broaden the definition of “members of a family residing in one household” to more accurately reflect relationships for U.S. citizens, residents and international visitors who are traveling together as a family.”
      CBP confirmed “the expansion of the term will include long-term same-sex couples and other domestic relationships which would allow more returning U.S. citizens, residents and international visitors to file a joint customs declaration for items acquired abroad. The rule will be effective thirty days after publication in the Federal Register.”
      CBP clarified the definition of “domestic relationship” and advised it includes “foster children, stepchildren, half-siblings, legal wards, other dependents, and individuals with an in loco parentis or guardianship relationship. Also included within the definition two adults who are in a committed relationship including, but not limited to, long-term companions and couples in civil unions or domestic partnerships where the partners share financial assets and obligations, and are not married to, or a partner of, anyone else. Members of a family residing in one household” will continue to encompass relationships of blood, adoption, and marriage.”

  9. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (15)

    S.khanOctober 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm

    If I bring e.a. $25k, cash is us custom ask me where I get this money

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (16)

      Jennifer DiazNovember 11, 2016 at 4:12 pm

      Hello S. Khan – after you declare the funds, CBP can request information on the source of the funds (after all, they are looking for money laundering/criminal activity). If you still have questions – schedule a consultation with us by emailing

  10. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (17)

    Sean VoDecember 8, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    Very good,very helpful Sean Vo

  11. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (18)

    BarbaraJanuary 18, 2017 at 6:32 am

    If traveling with a bank check over 10,000 to another country from the U S that is not yet endorsed. How would that be treated? Not very clear on the explanation on the website. Everyone is talking cash.

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (19)

      Jennifer DiazSeptember 11, 2018 at 11:30 am

      Contact our office for assistance. or 305-456-3830.

  12. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (20)

    TatyanaMarch 22, 2017 at 5:03 pm

    Can children be count to bring 10k as a part of the family? We will travel 3 of us. Thank you.

  13. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (21)

    PaulineApril 23, 2017 at 5:00 am

    Can I bring the amount of the property I sold outside united states, If, do I have to pay taxes on it?

  14. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (22)

    VilmaJuly 14, 2017 at 10:02 pm

    Im travelling to lasvegas how much is the limit to bring money to lasvegas im just wondering how much

  15. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (23)

    Sam DanielsOctober 4, 2017 at 4:45 pm

    Is it possible to travel with $10000

  16. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (24)

    JavierDecember 12, 2017 at 11:43 am

    Hello…i want to know how US customs knows if i’m traveling with someone or not? My situation is this: my parents, my girlfriend and i are going to Miami, but my parents paid their tickets in other way than i paid mi girlfriend’s and mine…so, in what moment they decide that we are one group or two? we are going to the same place but as two couples

  17. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (25)

    HelpFebruary 8, 2018 at 6:57 pm

    I inherited 145,000 Canadian dollars from my Dad passing. Every day the Canadian dollar is going down
    It is sitting in an account not making any money. Because l am a US resident l can not open an account with this bank. Other banks that will allow me to do so have too high charges for it. Can l just bring the Canadian cash over the border to keep here in the US until the rates are better on the exchange.

  18. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (26)

    Pankaj ParikhMarch 3, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    I inherited USD $45,000 in a foreign country (India). I want to bring it to the US. what is the procedure to bring money to US. I will have Reserve Bank of India declaration with me when I come back to US. How can I transfer it legally what problems may I come across even if I declare it? I visited CBP and found that each person can bring $10,000 (can this be check or cash) with them. I hear that it may be taxed or even held until CBP determines that it really was inherited.

  19. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (27)

    Rohan . KMarch 18, 2018 at 12:17 am

    I want to bring a 800 thousand dollar cheque to US because I am selling my house in my country . what documents do I need and will this amount yes taxed . what should I do to avoid problems that are coming my way .. thank you

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (28)

      Jennifer DiazMarch 20, 2018 at 3:59 pm

      Check out this blog post – lays it all out for you! If you still have questions – schedule a consultation with us by emailing

  20. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (29)

    Daniyal KaliaJune 6, 2018 at 8:46 pm


    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (30)

      Jennifer DiazJune 26, 2018 at 3:30 pm


      Please refer to our blog International Travelers Beware – U.S. Customs Will Seize Your Money for guidance. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office for a consultation.

  21. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (31)

    DianaJuly 24, 2018 at 9:46 pm

    Question when transfering large funds into the US from a foreign country

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (32)

      Jennifer DiazSeptember 11, 2018 at 11:30 am

      Contact our office for assistance. or 305-456-3830.

  22. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (33)

    PriyaAugust 7, 2018 at 8:30 am

    Hey I am travelling this month to US. I have a doubt related to the money that I can bring while I’m travelling to US as a student.what is the minimum amount of money that I should bring compulsarily so that the officers wouldn’t object my port of entry????

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (34)

      Jennifer DiazOctober 18, 2018 at 3:54 pm

      Contact our office for assistance. or 305-456-3830.

  23. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (35)

    Cha KooJanuary 30, 2019 at 1:16 am

    I am carrying $9900 do I steel need to report to US customs

  24. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (36)

    Geovanna barajasApril 19, 2019 at 9:10 am

    Hablan español

  25. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (38)

    wayne hendersonJuly 26, 2019 at 4:56 am

    I have a friend coming to usa from china- she wants to bring more than a million usd here for investing- but she wants to bring cash- how is this possible without her getting into trouble?

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (39)

      Jennifer DiazAugust 14, 2019 at 9:25 am

      I highly recommend she schedule a consult with our office to discuss the “legitimate source” and use of the funds and the reporting requirements. Please have her email

  26. Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (40)

    Nicole PachecoSeptember 11, 2020 at 12:11 am

    Hello so I have a friend coming from Syria and he has $800,000 in cash what does he need to do to have a smooth entry into the US??

    • Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (41)

      Jennifer DiazSeptember 15, 2020 at 11:30 am

      Hello Ms. Pacheco and thank you for your inquiry. Please call us today at 305-456-3830 to speak with a live agent and to discuss all of the possibilities tailored to your specific case.

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About the Author: Jennifer Diaz

Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (42)

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Can I Bring in More Than $10,000 to the United States When Travelling? / ¿Puedo Viajar Con Más De 10,000 Dólares A Los Estados Unidos? (2024)


What happens when you declare more than $10,000 at customs? ›

There is no maximum limit, however, any amount exceeding $10,000 USD must be declared upon arrival on both the Form 6059B and FinCEN 105. All forms must be filled in completely and truthfully. The penalties for inaccurate declaration and non-compliance can be severe including heavy fines and/or confiscation of funds.

What happens if you bring more than $10,000 on a plane? ›

You're required to file a form with U.S. Customs and Border Protection when entering or departing the United States with more than $10,000. Failure to report this could lead to legal penalties, including seizure of your money.

Is $10,000 cash limit per person or family in the USA? ›

Members of a family dwelling in the same home who enter the United States on a joint or family declaration must report on their Customs Declaration Form if they carry money or monetary instruments totalling more than $10,000. Individual members carrying more than $10,000 must then complete a Members FinCEN Form 105.

Is it illegal to travel with large amounts of cash? ›

The short answer is “there is no limit to how much cash you can bring to the airport for a domestic or intentional flight. However, you must declare on the FinCEN105 form that you are bringing more than $10,000 on an international flight (which includes all money being carried by anyone in your family or group).

Do I have to pay taxes on money I bring into the US? ›

If you bring more than $10,000 in cash back into the United States after time spent abroad, you must declare it using U.S. Customers and Border Patrol Form 6059B and FinCEN Form 105.

How much money can I take without declaration? ›

You must declare cash of £10,000 or more to UK customs if you're carrying it between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and a country outside the UK. If you're travelling as a family or group with more than £10,000 in total (even if individuals are carrying less than that) you still need to make a declaration.

Can you travel with more than 10k? ›

You may bring into or take out of the country, including by mail, as much money as you wish. However, if it is more than $10,000, you will need to report it to CBP.

What is the limit for US Customs? ›

Thus, any articles imported under this section for personal use with a value of under $800 can be imported duty free, and any articles imported for personal use with a value between $800 and $1800, will be subject to a flat 4% duty rate.

What happens if you don't declare money at the airport? ›

There are both civil and criminal penalties for failing to report cash violations, but not everyone is charged criminally. Your unreported cash can be seized & forfeited (lost), and you can be civilly fined without ever being found guilty of the crime of failing to report.

Can airport scanners detect cash? ›

A good X-ray scanner will always detect money. Airport scanners can detect even the smallest amount of metal and can detect paper. The scanners will always look after things that look different to the norm. In this case, if the currency is arranged in bundles, it will be more easily detected.

How much cash can you keep at home legally in the US? ›

What's the maximum amount of money a person can legally keep in cash? As long as it is your money, there is no maximum.

Can TSA seize cash? ›

No, it is perfectly legal to fly with cash. In fact, the law allows you to fly with as much or as little as you like. Think about it: Have you ever heard of someone getting arrested at the airport for possession of too much cash? No, because that is not a crime!

What is the penalty for customs declaration? ›

Penalties can range from £250 to £2,500 for each failure to make a declaration – some regular importers could be building up large bills if they have not taken Customs declarations seriously.

What is the penalty for not declaring cash at customs? ›

The criminal consequences of failing to report cash are severe. Failing to make a report or making an inaccurate report by omitting or misstating a material fact in a report includes not only forfeiture of the money, but a fine ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 and jail time from 5 to 10 years.

What happens if you transfer more than $10,000? ›

If transactions involve more than $10,000, you are responsible for reporting the transfers to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Failing to do so could lead to fines and other legal repercussions.

What is the fine for not declaring customs? ›

Penalties can range from an on-the-spot fine (up to A$2,664) to civil and/or criminal prosecution. If convicted of a criminal offence, one can expect a fine of up to A$1.1 million and/or up to ten years imprisonment.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.