Bitcoin Price Prediction 2030 & 2040 (April 2024 Update) (2024)

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Max Keiser predicts Bitcoin tobeworth $200K in2024. Fidelity predicts one Bitcoin will beworth $1B in2038. Hal Finney predicted $22M per Bitcoin by2045. Let’s look into why inmore detail…

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2030 & 2040 (April 2024 Update) (1)

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2030 & 2040 (April 2024 Update) (2)Bitcoin Price Prediction 2030 & 2040 (April 2024 Update) (3)


Mar 24, 2024March 24, 2024

19 min read19 minutes read

Disclaimer: The Bitcoin price predictions below donot necessarily reflect the views ofSwan Bitcoin.

This piece navigates the complexities ofhistorical trends and future possibilities, offering readers aninsight into how several industry leaders came totheir own price predictions.

We’ll examine abroad range offactors that forecast the price ofBitcoin in2030 and 2040 byanalyzing historical trends togain deeper insights and assess potential scenarios for Bitcoin’s futurevaluation.

Hal Finney’s Thought Experiment— $22M per BTC

Back in2009 when Bitcoin was first released, visionary cryptographer and Bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney boldly predicted that each Bitcoin could one day reach astaggering $10 million invalue.

Hal Finney’s prediction was not based onmere speculation but rather onathoughtful analysis ofBitcoin’s potential asaglobal paymentsystem. Finney envisioned ascenario where the collective value ofBitcoin would align with the total wealth ofthe world, which heestimated tobewithin the range of$100 trillion to$300 trillion dollars atthe time.

Bydividing this value among the limited supply of21 million Bitcoin, his calculation resulted inanastonishing value of$22,074,619 per Bitcoin.

Atthe time, Hal’s prediction may have seemed highly speculative oreven absurd toacasual observer atthetime. However, inApril 2024— many people today share his opinion about Bitcoin’s price potential.

Peter Brandt: $120k— $200k per BTC bySeptember 2025

Legendary prop trader and Market Wizard Series author Peter Brandt recently took toTwitter with the following Bitcoin price prediction:

Fidelity Predicts: $1B per 1 BTC by2038— 2040

Fidelity has been closely monitoring the development ofBitcoin more than most TradFi institutions. Jurrien Timmer, the Director ofGlobal Macro atFidelity Investments, thinks the value ofasingle Bitcoin could reach $1 billion bythe year 2038— 2040.

Chamath Palihapitiya: Predicts $1M per 1 BTC by2040— 2042

Chamath Palihapitiya, aprominent venture capitalist and early Bitcoin investor, has made significant waves inthe crypto community with his bold predictions. Palihapitiya’s views onthe future ofBitcoin offer acaptivating glimpse into the potential growth and adoption ofthis digitalasset.

Max Keiser Predicts: $200K per 1 BTC ByEnd of2024

Max Keiser, aseasoned financial broadcaster and Bitcoin advocate has long been known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial predictions. Keiser’s unique insights into Bitcoin’s price movements and broader global economic implications provide athought-provoking perspective.

We’ll keep aclose eye onthis prediction asthe year unfolds.

Analyzing the Experts Bitcoin Price Prediction

Fidelity Predicts: $1B per 1 BTC by2038— 2040

Jurrien Timmer, the Director ofGlobal Macro atFidelity Investments, thinks the value ofasingle Bitcoin could reach $1 billion bythe year 2038— very close toour Bitcoin price prediction 2040 target date.

Timmer’s demand model isrooted inMetcalfe’s Law. Itclaims the value ofBitcoin will grow steadily toabout $1 million per full Bitcoin by2030. Anetwork like Bitcoin comprises aset ofnodes that form connections with one another and follow aprotocol, agroup ofrules.

Demand Side Bitcoin Pricing Model

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Metcalfe’s Law states the value ofanetwork isproportional tothe square ofthe number ofnodes, ormembers, inthenetwork. When applying Metcalfe’s Law toprotocols, the first protocol toget tothis ‘critical mass crossover point’ begins todevelop asupermajority feedback networkeffect.

Jurrien further broke down his reasoning onTwitter.

Modeling Bitcoin with Metcalfe’s Law

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According toFidelity, 90% ofits largest clients have expressed interest inpurchasing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Tocater tothe needs oflarge institutional clients, Fidelity establixshed Fidelity Digital Assets, focusing ondeveloping Bitcoin custody solutions.

InJune of2022, Fidelity Digital Assets division released aprice modeling document titled: Valuing Bitcoin— Modeling the Price ofBitcoin asaMonetary Asset Through Market Forces.

Bitcoin Halving Coin Metrics

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The following month, inJuly, Fidelityinvested $20 milliontoacquire a7.4% stakeinMarathon Digital Holdings, amajor crypto-mining company based inNorth America.

SEC Approves Spot Bitcoin ETF

The SEC approved aSpot Bitcoin ETF onJanuary 10th, 2024 including Fidelity’s own Bitcoin ETF,Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust.

According tothe most recent data compiled byHey Apollo, BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) and Fidelity’s Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund (FBTC) are atthe forefront.

Current spot Bitcoin ETF fees asofApril 1st, 2024:

Grayscale: TheGrayscale Bitcoin Trust(GBTC) fee is1.5%— the fund holds333,672BTC withCoinbase.

BlackRock:iShares Bitcoin Trust(IBIT) fee is0.25% fees for the first 6 months (or$5 billion)— the fund holds252,010BTC withCoinbase.

Fidelity:Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust(FBTC) fee is0.25% (with 0% fees until July 31, 2024)— holds144,703BTC inself-custody.

Bloomberg ETF Inflow Data (AsofFebruary 12th)

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Bitcoin has the largest cryptocurrency user base andnetwork. Asinstitutions like Fidelity helponboard its clientsinto the Bitcoin network, its value increases exponentially, attracting more users and reinforcing its position asthe top digitalasset.

OnNovember 1st, Timmer revisited his 2020 thesis inaTwitter thread.

Jurrien Timmer Tweet Data

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InJanuary 2022, Fidelity outlined Bitcoin’s unique characteristics, why they make Bitcoin fundamentally different from other digital assets, and why this isimportant for investors toconsider.

InOctober 2023, they released areport titled: Bitcoin First Revisited: about why investors need toconsider Bitcoin separately from other digitalassets. Init, they double down onwhy Bitcoin isunique from all other digital assets and belongs inits own category.

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Peter Brandt: $120k— $200k per 1 BTC bySeptember 2025

Peter Brandt, adistinguished trader, recently offered anew outlook onBitcoin’s trajectory inhis latestupdate. Through arecent Twitter post, Brandt pointed out anotable development where Bitcoin has surpassed the top limit ofits 15-month tradingchannel.

This significant event led toanupdate inthe forecast for the current bull market cycle, expected toend around August/September 2025. While the initial prediction was aBitcoin value of$120,000, the revised estimate now ambitiously sets the target at$200,000.

Chamath Palihapitiya Predicts $1M per 1 BTC by2040— 42

Palihapitiya sees Bitcoin asadigital asset with unique properties, positioning itwell asapotential global reservecurrency. Heargues that Bitcoin’s decentralized and borderless nature, scarcity, and inherent security features make itanideal store ofvalue.

InJanuary 2021, ChamathtoldCNBC:

“The reason isbecause, every time you see all ofthis stuff happening, itjust reminds you that wow, our leaders are not astrustworthy and reliable asthey used tobe… [s]o just incase, wereally doneed tohave some kind of, you know, insurance wecan keep under our pillow that gives ussome access toanuncorrelated hedge.”

CNBC: Bitcoin going to$100K, then $150K, then $200K says Palihapitiya

Asgeopolitical uncertainties and concerns about traditional fiat currencies persist, Palihapitiya believes people like Warren Buffet are wrong and that Bitcoin could emerge asatrusted alternative and areserve currency for nations and corporate balance sheets worldwide.

Bitcoin’s limited supply isacrucial factor inPalihapitiya’s prediction.With amaximum supply of21 million coins, Bitcoin isdesigned tobedeflationary, meaning its scarcity increases over time.

Palihapitiya believes this scarcity, combined with increasing global adoption, will drive demand and result insignificant price appreciation over the longterm.

Bitcoin Monetary Inflation

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InDecember 2020, JPMorgan publicly stated that itforecasts that gold will likely suffer directly from Bitcoin foryears. Theinflation rate onthe Bitcoin networkisalready less than2%.

In2021, just before Bitcoin’s all-time-high peak, ChamathsaidBitcoin had“effectively replaced gold.” InJune 2022,authorities inUganda revealed asignificantfind ofaround 31 million metric tonnes ofgold ore within thenation.

This discovery could yield 320,158 metric tonnes ofpurified gold, with anapproximate valuation of$12 trillion - represents more than the entire amount ofgold above ground and accounted for intotal supply.

Asthis gold isrecovered, itwill begin todilute the scarcity properties ofthe metal significantly. Bitcoin was engineered tobedeflationaryovertime. The nextblock-halving event(which should occur inApril 2024) changes Bitcoin’sinflation rate toonly 0.84%. This monetary policy makes for anideal store ofvalue over long periods.

Bitcoin Inflation Data

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Palihapitiya emphasizes the growing interest and adoption ofBitcoin byinstitutionalinvestors. The involvement ofmajor financial institutions, such asTesla,MicroStrategy, and PayPal, has contributed toBitcoin’s legitimacy asaninvestment asset.

Asmore businesses, institutions, and family office-type investors recognize Bitcoin’s potential asahedge against the legacy banking system and adiversification tool, Palihapitiya expects increased capital inflows and further price appreciation.

Healso maintains the Bitcoin network’s continuous development,scalability improvements, andenhanced privacyfeatures will contribute toits widespread adoption and further bolster its value proposition.

Palihapitiya’s Bitcoin priceprediction spans 20 years, emphasizing the long-term nature ofhis outlook.

Hedoesn’t believe the U.S. dollar will lose its reserve currency status anytime soon and acknowledges Bitcoin’s path tobecoming aglobal reserve currency will likely face numerous challenges and regulatory hurdles.

However, Palihapitiya remains optimistic about its potential todisrupt traditional financial systems and that Bitcoin could achieve significant value appreciation over twodecades.

Max Keiser Predicts $200K per 1 BTC in2024

Keiser believes that the global economic landscape, marked byexcessive debt levels, currency devaluation, and geopolitical uncertainties, creates afavorable environment for Bitcoin.

Heargues that traditional fiat currencies are prone toinflationary pressures and can besubject topolitical manipulation and isvery outspoken inhis belief weare atthe300-year end-game for the central bankingPonzi scheme.

Incontrast, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature and limited supply make itanattractive alternative for individuals seeking astore ofvalue and protection against economicvolatility. Keiseroften criticizes central bank policies, such asquantitative easing and low interest rates, which heviews asdetrimental tothe stability offiat currencies.

According toKeiser, these policies erode the value oftraditional currencies and push investors towards alternative assets like Bitcoin and sees Bitcoin asahedge against the risks associated with central bank interventions.

Keiser contendsBitcoin isthe ultimate insurance policyand hedge against the traditional central bankingsystem.

Hehighlights Bitcoin’s limited supply andscarcity asafundamental driverofits price appreciation and argues that asmore investors recognize the importance ofadeflationary assetinaninflationary world, demand for Bitcoin will rise, pushing its pricehigher.

Keiser often mentionsnetwork effects.

Bitcoin’s value will increase asmore individuals, institutions, and merchants adoptBitcoin. Asits user base grows— Bitcoin will become more widely accepted asamedium ofexchangeand store ofvalue.

Max isaSenior Bitcoin AdvisortoPresident Bukele ofElSalvador tofurther thecountry’s goals and commitmenttothe Bitcoin Standard.Despite Bitcoin’s reputation for volatility, Keiser sees itasanopportunity rather than adrawback.

Heargues that Bitcoin’s price volatility gives traders and investorssignificant profit potential. Keiser often encourages individuals toembrace volatility and use itasanadvantage when entering the Bitcoinmarket.

Kesier isalso onrecord stating hebelieves Bitcoin will eventuallyreach $1M per BTC, closer toour Bitcoin price prediction 2040 targetdate.

Today, Bitcoin makes uponly ≈ 0.05% ofthe pool ofinvestable assets.

Thought Experiment: IfBitcoin captured (X%) ofeach asset class below, what price prediction conclusions can wedraw fromthis?

ALook AtTotal Global Asset Classes

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Bitcoin Price Prediction Math: $200 trillion / 21 million BTC = $9,523,809.52 per BTC

What Will Determine Bitcoin’s 2025, 2030 & 2040Price?

Before wecan provide any Bitcoin price prediction, wefirst must consider the various factors influencing pricemovements…

Supply and Demand Dynamics

Asdemand for Bitcoin increases, especially inthe face oflimited supply, the price likelyincreases. Conversely, when demand falls orstagnates, Bitcoin faces downward pressure, and the prices maydrop.

Due toBitcoin’s automatic 'Difficulty Adjustment' mining algorithm component, it’ssupply curve isdeterministic. This adjusts the difficulty ofthe mining process such that nomatter how little orhow much mining hash power isapplied, the average block interval remains anchored for around 600 seconds or10minutes.

BTC Supply and Scarcity

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Bitcoin halving events, which occur roughly every four years, reduce block rewards for miners byhalf. This automatically programmed periodic decline innewly minted Bitcoin further restrictssupply. Itusually sparks aperiod ofvery bullish price action.

Inthe year leading uptoBitcoin halving events, many investors come out with their own Bitcoin price predictions. So, what other factors should weconsider?

Power Law

Power Law is“the relationship between two quantities such that one isproportional toafixed power oftheother.” The relationship should occur irrespective ofthe initial size ofthose quantities, meaning itscales indefinitely inastraightline.

"Think about it, cities attract talent and capital and people work together for acommongoal. Same with BTC, even earlier onpeople were joining for free, lending time and talent, using electricity torun the system and this brought inother talent and resources…

Predictable Cities and Power Law

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[F]inally, BTC was used asamean ofexchange and astore ofvalue that made the price goupand soon. This creates all kind offeedback loops and make the system anetwork. Cities are network, BTC isanetwork. The math and science isthesame. Itisanamazing thing that you should tell everybody that tells you BTC isascam, has novalue, itisnot back byanything. BTC isthe most reliable investment inthe history ofhumankind."

— BTC Power Law, (@Giovann35084111)

Market Sentiment and Investor Behavior

Aswith any asset, market sentiment significantly impacts Bitcoin’s price.

Positive news, recommendations from influential figures, orinstitutional investments can trigger FOMO (Fear OfMissing Out) among investors and lead toprice increases.

Conversely, negative news, regulatory uncertainties, orsecurity breaches can lead topanic selling and, thus, pricefalls.

Technological Advancements and Adoption

Bitcoin’s value islinked toits adoption andutility. Technological developments that improve the network’s scalability, security, and efficiency can enhance confidence inBitcoin and potentially drive its price upwards.

Moreover, increased merchant acceptance and widespread use cases contribute tothe perception ofBitcoin asaviable payment method, further impacting itsprice.

Regulatory Developments

The regulatory landscape significantly impacts the cryptocurrencymarket. Favorable regulations that provide clarity and legitimacy can attract institutional investors and contribute toprice growth.

Conversely, adverse regulations orprohibitive measures may dampen market sentiment and negatively affect Bitcoin’sprice. They can dramatically change Bitcoin price predictions asnew developments come topass.

Bitcoin’s Pricing History

Since its inception, Bitcoin’s price has seen extreme fluctuations. Inits early days, the cryptocurrency traded for fractions ofacent, but inlate 2013, itskyrocketed toabout $754.01, upawhopping 5,481.1% for the year.

This meteoric rise was followed byasharp decline know asthe "Bitcoin bubble,” which saw the price plummet toaround $200 in2015. The most notable surge inBitcoin price occurred inlate 2017 when ithit anall-time high ofnearly $20,000.

However, the ensuing market correction caused the price todrop back tothe $3,000 to$4,000 range insubsequent years.

Asset Class Total Returns Since 2011

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Recently, Bitcoin price has seen robust growth and consolidation periods, underscoring its ongoingvolatility. Bitcoin’s historical price charts show recurring patterns and cycles, such ashalving-induced supply shocks and boom-and-bust cycles after periods ofrapid growth.

Example: Historically, halving events have been followed bysignificant price increases due toreduced supply and increased demand.

Remember: Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Additional factors include:

  • Macroeconomic conditions

  • Technological advances

  • Regulatory developments

Previous attempts topredict Bitcoin’s price have yielded mixedresults. While some analysts accurately predicted large price movements, others missed critical turning points inthemarket. These differences highlight the inherent challenges ofpredicting anasset ascomplex and volatile asBitcoin.

Adam Back, CEO ofBlockstream, suggests the recent spot Bitcoin ETF approval could boost Bitcoin’s price to$100,000 inthe very near future.

Adam Beck’s Spot Bitcoin ETF Twitter Bet

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NOTE: Spot Bitcoin ETFs smashed records ontheir first day trading seeing over 4.6 Billion intrading volume, the highest ever for anETF launch.

Spot Bitcoin ETFs from BlackRock and Fidelity Investments each sawmore than $2 billion ofnet inflowsduring their first 12 trading days, whileGrayscale Bitcoin Trustsuffered more than $5 billion ofnetoutflows.

Adam Back might beontosomething here!

Echoing this optimism, Jan3 CEO Samson Mow suggested inarecent interview with Cointelegraph that the new spot Bitcoin ETF vehicle inthe U.S. could potentially escalate Bitcoin’s value toashigh as$1 million shortly after its introduction, within days toweeks.

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What Will Happen toBitcoin Now That ETFs Have BeenApproved?

Itmeans Bitcoin islevelingup. AsSwan Bitcoin CEO Cory Klippsten told Yahoo Finance:

“The top-of-funnel for investor class isgoing tochange from something that iscontrary toBitcoin, which isall ofthe crypto scams and pump-and-dumps ofthe last six years, FTX and thelike… Now you’re going tosee anew era where some ofthe most credible, some ofthe most well-funded, trust brands inthe world are going tobeshouting from the rooftops with tens, maybe hundreds ofmillions ofdollars ofmarketing expense, just talking about Bitcoin.”

Top ofthe Funnel Tweet

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Q1 Spot Bitcoin ETF Key Takeaways

  • The initial three months oftrading for spot Bitcoin ETFs have ended, with the eleven offerings approved bythe SEC collectively attracting about $12.1 billion ininflows.

  • Blackrock’s IBIT has emerged asthe leading beneficiary, securing $13.9 billion inflows since itstarted trading inJanuary.

  • IBIT isthe fastest growing ETF inthe history ofETFs.

  • OnMarch 27th, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink appeared onFox Business todiscuss the wild success ofits spot Bitcoin ETF product, IBIT. Fink’s spot Bitcoin ETF comments begin atthe 10 minute, 15 secondmark.

  • GBTC was asignificant exception inflow data, experiencing $14.7 billion inoutflows, attributed tothe comparatively high fees linked toitsoffering.

  • The inflows into spot Bitcoin ETFs also significantly benefited the price ofunderlying Bitcoin inthe first quarter ofthe year, with aroughly 67% rise onayear-to-date (YTD) basis.

  • Grayscale recently submitted aproposal for anew spot Bitcoin ETF tobelisted under the BTC ticker, which isanticipated tohave lowerfees. Should the ongoing trends persist, IBIT ispoised tosurpass GBTC asthe leading spot Bitcoin ETF inthe upcomingmonths.

  • It’s also worth mentioning that Hashdex’s DEFI ETF initially launched asaBitcoin futures ETF, transitioned toaspot Bitcoin ETF onMarch 27th.

Achieving aBitcoin price of$1 million represents astaggering 2,500% rise from its current position around $40,000.

Investors must understand that all Bitcoin price predictions are speculative and subject tonumerousvariables. Getting abalanced and comprehensive outlook based onavailable data and expert insight isessential while emphasizing the importance ofprudent and well-informed investmentdecisions.

Closing Thoughts

The adoption ofspot Bitcoin ETFs byinstitutional investors, such asBlackRock’s Larry Fink, Fidelity’s clients and holding Bitcoin asareserve asset like MicroStrategy continues tobolster its legitimacy— this attracts additional capital inflows.

Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, limited supply, and superior store ofvalue properties make itanappealing alternative totraditional fiat currencies inaworld plagued byinflation and economic uncertainty.

Network effects play avital role inBitcoin’strajectory. Asmore individuals, institutions, and merchants embrace Bitcoin, its value increases, driving furtheradoption. With each new participant, Bitcoin’s network effects strengthen, reinforcing its position asthe premier digital asset.

While volatility isoften aconcern, experts like Max Keiser see Bitcoin asanasset unlike any other and views price fluctuations assignificant profit opportunities for those willing toembrace the volatility and enter the market strategically.

Although, precise price predictions will remain elusive, the overall consensus points toward apositive trajectory for Bitcoin, despite what many skeptics think.

Despite the vastly different timeframes ofthese predictions, the overall consensus points toward apositive trajectory forBitcoin. The once audacious projections ofearly visionaries like Hal Finney are beginning towarrant serious consideration.

Satoshi Email

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Drew, aclass of2013 Bitcoiner, isaResearch Analyst for Swan Bitcoin.

Hehas worked ininstitutional VC/PE, FinTech, and DLT consulting for over six years. Healso brings over twelve years ofexperience working with national nonprofits and start-ups ineducation and software development inseveral leadership roles.

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